Dowerin & Districts Museum
The Dowerin Museum Committee are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who help with the general upkeep and running of the Dowerin District Museum, a house built in 1915 located at 16 Cottrell Street Dowerin.
The museum consists of a saddler shop along with other artefacts from earlier times.
In order to access the museum please contact the Dowerin Shire Administration Office on 9631 1202.
Contact Details
President |
Diane Hatwell |
Dowerin Events Management
Dowerin Events Management is an Incorporated Association that owns and manages the historic Dowerin Machinery Field Days.
Chairperson |
Josh Ward |
General Manager |
Danielle Green |
Event Coordinator |
Sonia King
Wendy Flavel
Dowerin Masonic Lodge
A long standing community organisation for men (members only).
Contact Details
Rex Adams |
0429 311 043 |
Dowerin Men's Shed
Dowerin Men's Shed is a group of men who get together for a cuppa, a chat and/or to work on projects.
They meet each Tuesday afternoon at the Dowerin District High School Enterprise Yard.
Contact Details
Phil Pickering |
0429 311 250 |
Dowerin St John Ambulance
The Dowerin St John is a voluntary group consisting of committee, administration and ambulance officers. Dowerin residents can become a member of the Sub centre and therefore save themselves the expensive costs of ambulance transport. All membership funds stay in the Dowerin Sub centre.
First Aid courses are also regularly held at the Sub centre.
Contact Details
President |
Vice President |
Secretary |
Treasurer |