Ranger Services

The Shire of Dowerin employs the services of a Ranger (Samantha Di Candilo) as a contractor who only visits on an as needs basis. The Ranger is only available after hours for URGENT issues such as dog attacks in progress.

Please call 0474 779 374 if it is after hours and is one of the two issues above. During office hours between 8:30AM to 4:30PM, please contact the Shire Administration on 9631 1202.

If you have lost an animal after hours, please leave a detailed message (provide all details on the animal and your contact details) on the message bank or send an email to dowshire@dowerin.wa.gov.au and we will contact you should we find your animal.


How can Ranger Services assist me?

Rangers are Authorised Officers under the Dog Act 1976, Cat Act 2011, Bush Fires Act 1954 and Litter Act 1979.

Under this legislation, the Rangers are able to deal with the following types of issues:

  • Missing or found domesticated animals (dogs and cats)
  • Dog attacks
  • Nuisance dogs (excessive barking)
  • Dogs wandering
  • Stock wandering
  • Illegal dumping and littering
  • Permits to burn (during the Restricted Fire Season)
  • Unauthorised burning
  • Abandoned vehicles on Shire roads
  • Rural numbering
  • Wildlife

As a general rule, Ranger Services are unable to assist with injured wildlife, however if they are available to attend they can assist with the following (other types of jobs will take priority):

Euthanise mortally wounded kangaroos - Rangers will require permission from the landowner if the kangaroo is situated on private land.

Relocation of snakes - Rangers are trained to be able to relocate snakes, however the landowner is required to watch the snake until their attendance.


Cat Registrations

All cats in Western Australia are required to be sterilised and registered with their Local Government Authority. Cat renewals for 1 year and 3 registrations are due on the 31st of October of each year.

Lifetime registrations are also available, allowing cat owners to register their cat for the lifespan of the cat.

If you have recently bought a cat that was owned by someone else within the Shire, or wish to change the owner in your household, a Change of Animal Ownership form will need to be filled out.

To transfer a cat from another Local Government to the Shire of Dowerin you will need to fill out a new Cat Registration Form. If the owner details on the registration at the previous Local Government are different to the transfer, you will need to amend the details at the previous Local Government before the cat can be transferred to the Shire of Dowerin.

Discounted registration fees are applicable for the Pensioner and Concession Card Holders with the applicable paperwork provided.

Cat Registration Form

Change of Animal Status

Change of Animal Ownership


Dog Registrations

All dogs in Western Australia are required to be registered with their Local Government Authority. Dog renewals for 1 year and 3 registrations are due on the 31st of October of each year.

Lifetime registrations are also available, allowing dog owners to register their dogs for the lifespan of the dog.

If you have recently bought a dog that was owned by someone else within the Shire, or wish to change the owner in your household, a Change of Animal Ownership form will need to be filled out.

To transfer a dog from another Local Government to the Shire of Dowerin you will need to fill out a new Dog Registration Form. If the owner details on the registration at the previous Local Government are different to the transfer, you will need to amend the details at the previous Local Government before the dog can be transferred to the Shire of Dowerin.

Discounted registration fees are applicable for the following (with applicable paperwork provided):

  • Pensioner and Concession Card Holders
  • Dogs that are sterilised
  • Working dogs (for tending and droving stock)

Dog Registration Form

3-6 Dog Application

Change of Animal Status

Change of Animal Ownership


Barking & Nuisance Dogs

Why do dogs bark?

Barking is a form of communication for dogs, they can be expressing excitement, boredom, stress, anxiety or defending their territory.

How can I reduce my dogs barking?

Try to establish the cause. If you are able to determine the cause, you will need to commit to a strategy to address it. Behaviour can be changed through training, mental stimulation, socialising your dog, addressing medical issues or further owner understanding of dog behaviour. Consistency and rewarding of good behaviour is key. If you find that the behaviour doesn’t change, engaging with an Animal Behaviour Consultant can be beneficial.

What can I do about nuisance barking from a neighbouring dog?

If you are concerned about the level of noise a dog in your area is making, try to resolve the issue by speaking to the owner first. Many times owners are unaware of the behaviour and this can give them the opportunity to amend the situation without further incident. Open and friendly conversations can often lead to a solution. If the matter cannot be resolved directly, a formal complaint to the Shire with supporting evidence can be made in writing along with the form ‘Barking Dog Diary’.

What can the Shire do about nuisance barking?

When an official complaint is received, the Shire will ask the complainant to complete a Barking Dog Diary if not done so already (see below Form). The Shire will assess the evidence and if applicable approach the owner of the dog to assist in resolving the issue. The complainant will be asked to complete another further diaries to support the ongoing complaint.

If the issue continues and the dog’s barking persists to interfere with peace, comfort or convenience, Rangers may issue a notice to the owner of the dog, legally requiring the owner to take all reasonable steps to reduce the noise. If the issue persists, further action may be taken.

Barking Dog Diary – link form