Emergency Services
The Shire of Dowerin is committed to providing information that may assist the general community to both prepare for and respond in the time of emergency.
The potential for hazards will always exist within a community such as Dowerin's due to the hot, dry weather in the summer months making us prone to Bush Fires, unpredictable rains and a history of Earthquakes within the surrounding region. Council chairs and manages the Local Emergency Management Committee whose duty it is to prepare plans for action and coordinate these action plans in times of emergencies.
Council works in conjunction with all the emergency service organisations, state government departments, water industry, health industry and other associated bodies within this committee.
Dowerin Bush Fire Services
Interested in becoming a member? We would love to chat with you about the bush fire services and how to join.
All members must be at least 16 years of age, and fit and capable of fighting fires on the ground. We also welcome auxiliary members, who assist with communications during an emergency, assist with administration tasks, and many more!
The Bush Fire Services membership form can be downloaded HERE