Dowerin District High School

Together We Strive

Table of Contact Details
Phone: (08) 9631 1030
Phone: (08) 9631 1044
Fax: (08) 9631 1180

The vision for Dowerin District High School is to be a community conscious educational institution which produces socially and civically responsible citizens who are equipped for life long learning and strive for excellence.

An enthusiastic and capable staff make admirable use of excellent resources and strong community links to deliver an engaging and varied curriculum.

In 2013, Dowerin District High School became an Independent Public School and the greater autonomy this has allowed an increase in our flexibility to tailor physical, financial and human resources for the benefit of our students.

School priorities of Literacy, Numeracy, Information Technology and Student Well-being and Personal Development are supported by whole school planning for improvement and curriculum delivery.

Teachers make tremendous use of laptop computers, iPads and interactive whiteboards to enhance the teaching and learning program so it may be tailored to suit individual student needs.

Student Wellbeing and Personal Growth is integrated across all learning areas through our Virtues and Team Building programs, and formal recognitions of student achievement and positive behaviour.

The supportive school and wider community complement programs through their involvement with the school. Community members have enthusiastically contributed to our Personal Growth and Goal Setting, and Technology and Enterprise programs as well as being actively involved as parent helpers across the school through a variety of class made rosters.

The Parents and Citizens Association further support this, with onsite working bees aimed to improve and maintain the grounds, facilities and resources.

Further to this, they undertake robust fundraising activities which allows the purchase of resources that the school could not otherwise afford.

Our comprehensive facilities allow students to explore and develop their talents in many learning areas.

The construction of a new library, completed in 2011, has added to the variety of purpose built facilities and outdoor areas within the school.


DDHS Solar Bench Project 

A select group of high school students from Dowerin District High School took part in creating a functional solar bench that uses environmentally friendly solar energy to power various devices on the go. The wireless charging spot can power modern mobile phones, while the USB ports can charge multiple devices.

To learn more about the project, click the link below.

DDHS Solar Bench Project