Financial Interests Register
The Financial Interest Register contains those disclosures of interests that have been made by Councillors and employees at Shire of Dowerin Council and Committee Meetings. Interests that need to be declared include financial interests, proximity interests and interests that may affect impartiality.
The Local Government Act 1995 requires the Chief Executive Officer to publish an up-to-date version of the Shire’s Financial Interests Register on the Shire’s website.
The Shire’s register contains disclosures made since December 2018 and will be updated on a monthly basis. Any disclosures made prior to December 2018 are contained in hard copy Interests Registers that are available for public inspection during the Shire’s standard opening hours.
Details of disclosures are also recorded in the minutes of the various Council Meetings and Committee Meetings which are available on the website.
To view the copy of the up-to-date Register CLICK HERE.