Transport & Licensing

Council provides a licensing service through the Department of Transport. Licensing can be processed at Council’s Administration Office on Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.00pm sharp.

  • Licence renewals and transfers for cars, motorcycles, mopeds, caravans, trailers, buses, trucks, road trains, tractors, mobile cranes, forklifts, earthmovers, mobile farm implements and other vehicles.
  • Farm Licensing
  • Custom and Special Series Licence plates are available which give you the choice of style, wording and numbering for your car number plates subject to availability and approval.
  • Drivers Licences.
  • Temporary Permits.


Drivers Licence Bookings

Drivers licence testing is also available which include, Hazard Perception Tests (HPT) and Computerised Theory Testing (CTT). Bookings are essential for all Practical Driving Assesments (PDA).

A qualified Assessor (up to LR) is available in Dowerin once a month.

Bookings can be made online via the DOT Licensing Website or by contacting the Administration Office on 9631 1202.

Please direct all general enquiries to the Department of Transport on 13 11 56.


Pay Online

Click on the link below and the following types of accounts can be paid:

  • Vehicle Registrations (light and heavy)
  • Vehicle Transfers
  • Vehicle Transfer Infringements
  • Vehicle Transfer Final Demands
  • Plate Infringements
  • Plate Final Demands

Pay Online Licensing


Application for Heavy Vehicle Permit

Transport operators or farmers planning to use Restricted Access Vehicles (RAVs), such as Road Trains, B-Doubles and Truck & Dog Trailer combinations to complete any transport tasks, must first ensure the required public roads are approved for the appropriate RAV network. It is part of the operators or farmers responsibilities under the Chain of Responsibility legislation.

Transport operators or farmers operating a RAV on a public road, must ensure it is within the legal mass and dimension limits, the load is appropriately restrained or contained, and the vehicle is operating on an approved route.

As the sole authority to approve or decline RAC access Main Roads Heavy Vehicles (HVS) is responsible for administering RAV access on all public roads in the State, which includes carrying out a thorough route assessment process to determine if roads are safe and suitable for RAV access.

Even if you have a Main Roads WA permit you are still required to obtain a ‘letter of approval’ from Council to navigate on local roads in the network. Letters of approval are valid for 12 months form the date of application. An application form for a ‘letter of approval’ can be accessed on the Shire of Dowerin website

Web Forms - Application for Heavy Vehicle Permit



The Shire of Dowerin Customer Service Officers can be contacted on (08) 9631 1202 who will be happy to assist you.