Waste Management


Green Bin Collection

Each residence in Dowerin is issued with one green bin which is collected by Avon Waste each Wednesday.

All residents are asked to ensure their bin is on the kerbside early to ensure that all bins are collected.

Yellow Bin Collection

Avon Waste will collect your Recycling Bin every second Tuesday.

Please find here the Avon Waste Collection Calendar for 2023/2024.


Amery Refuse Site

Dowerin residents are able to utilise the Amery Refuse site on a Wednesday, Friday and Sunday between the hours of 11am and 4pm.

The refuse site is manned to ensure the appropriate use of this facility.


Dowerin Green Waste Tip

All green waste can be taken to the Green Waste Tip located on Sanders Road (just off the Meckering Road south of the town site). Please ensure that ONLY green waste is dumped in this area.

If illegal dumping of standard household waste takes place in this area, the Department for Environment will have no choice but to advise the Shire to close this facility down.



There is a DrumMuster recycling program to remove farm chemical drums from the environment. This occurs on the last Friday of every month at the Amery Refuse Site from 11am - 3pm.
Bookings are essential can be made by contacting the Shire of Dowerin 9631 1202

DrumMuster is a program set up to collect cleaned chemical drums for processing to enable reuse of the materials the drums are made from. More Information on this program including what drums are eligible and the cleanliness standard required can be found on www.drummuster.com.au.


Waste Oil

Attention Farmers: Would you like your waste oil (only) collected free of charge? WREN Oil will come to your property and collect waste oil for FREE on the following conditions

  • Minimum amount for free collection is 1,000 litres or five ‘44’ gallon drums;
  • No contamination of oil such as water or chemicals or non-automotive oil products, if found; a fee is charged for this removal; and
  • Collection date is determined on the volume of oil for collection applications (the more the better) and when a truck of suitable size is in the area. Why not check with your neighbours to see if they need a collection as well.

Click here to download and complete the Application Form. Application Form to be returned directly to WREN Oil at administration@wrenoil.com.au 

20L drums and smaller containers of oil can still be dropped at the Amery Refuse site at no cost.