Dowerin Triathlon
Past Event
Registration forms available from the Shire Administration Office or via email.
Registrations close Friday, 12 March 2021
Nippers Course (7-10 Years) 50m swim, 2.5km cycle & 750m run
Junior Course (11-15 Years) 150m swim, 5km cycle & 1.5km run
Short course (16 +) 200m swim, 5km cycle & 2km run
Long course (16+) 400m swim, 10km cycle & 4km run
Team or Individual!
Triathlon Distance & Courses:
Swimming -
Nippers: 50m (1 Lap), Juniors 150m (3 Laps), Senior Short 200m (4 Laps) & Senior Long 400m (8 Laps)
Cycling & Running per the below: