Public Comment -Review of Representation

Published on Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 4:52:05 PM


In accordance with Schedule 2.2(6) of the Local Government Act 1995 Council has resolved to undertake a review of its system of representation (October 2022 CMRef 0677). The purpose of the Review is to assess whether a reduction in councillors would be an appropriate situation for the Shire.

In July 2022, the Minister of Local Government announced the final package of proposed local government reforms. As part of the reforms to strengthen local democracy and increase community engagement, new requirements will be introduced to provide for councillor numbers based on population.

A Discussion Paper has been developed to assist the community in considering options and ideas as well as clarifying factors that will form part of the Review. A copy of the Discussion Paper is available from the Shire’s website ( or by contacting the Administration Office.

Several factors will be considered as part of the review and will include:

  1. The advantages and disadvantages of reducing the number of councillors;
  2. The implications of any change to the councillor/elector ratio; and
  3. The cost of councillors.

Members of the community are invited to make written submissions about any aspect of the Review. All submissions will be presented to Council to inform and assist in its decision-making. 

Submissions are to be in writing and can be made either via the feedback form included in the Discussion Paper or otherwise in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and be:

Emailed (preferred) to:

Hand Delivered to:                              13 Cottrell Street, Dowerin

Posted to:                                              PO Box 111, Dowerin 6461


Submissions must be received by no later than 4.00pm on Friday 9 December 2022.  Late submissions will not be considered.

Rebecca McCall


Review of Representation Discuss Paper 2022