Gift Register

Gift Register
Name of person making disclosure Description of gift Name and address of person who made gift Date gift was received Estimated value of gift at time it was made Nature of relationship between person who made gift and person who received gift For a gift that is a travel contribution - description and date of travel For an excluded gift under s.5.62(1B)(a): the date of the approval refereed to in s.5.62(1B)(a)(ii) and the reasons for the approval
Manisha Barthakur Door Prize at Elder’s Christmas Event. Hamper included a wine bottle, chocolates and lollies, butcher shop voucher $80. Voucher distributed to Shire staff through a raffle. Carli Millar, Graham Cooper
Elders, Dowerin
18/12/2024 $120.00 None
David Singe Bottle of Ponting Cabinet Sauvignon Danny Poultney
30/01/2024 $60.00 Nil - Use of office facilities during power outage.
Sheldon Cox Cadbury Favourites 886g Box Chocolates Tracie Polinelli
Albany WA 6331
28/09/2022 $20.00 Nil - Customer of Shire
Bev Ward Tickets to Dowerin Field Days Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124, DOWERIN WA 6461
19/08/2019 $50.00 Community Member
Darrel Hudson Tickets to Dowerin Field Days Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124, DOWERIN WA 6461
15/08/2019 $50.00 Community member of Field Days
Adam Metcalf VIP Pass to Dowerin Field Days Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124 DOWERIN WA 6461
24/08/2018 $50.00 Board Member/Council Representative
Darrel Hudson Pass into Dowerin Field Days & Drinks Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124 DOWERIN WA 6461
24/08/2018 $50.00 Volunteer
Adam Metcalf 1 Night Accommodation at the Dowerin Short Stay Accommodation Dowerin & District Farm Shed
2/66 Stewart Street, Dowerin, WA, 6461
15/12/2017 $130.00 Farm Business Supplier
Darrel Hudson Free Drinks & Sundowner at Dowerin Field Days Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124 DOWERIN WA 6461
26/09/2017 $50.00 Shire Funded/ Supported Event
Robert Trepp VIP Sundowner invite for end of Dowerin Field Days Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124 DOWERIN WA 6461
30/08/2017 $40.00 Shire Funded/ Supported Event
Cr Robert Trepp Entry pass to Field Days Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124, Dowerin, 6461
15/08/2016 $25.00 Shire funded/supported event
Cr Darrel Hudson Entry to Field Days plus hospitality to Sundowner at Club Dowerin Events Management
PO Box 124, Dowerin, 6461
09/08/2016 $25.00 Shire funded/supported event

Register of Gifts and Travel to 18 October 2019

Prior to the amendments to the Local Government Act 1995 proclaimed on the 18 October 2019, local governments were required to maintain a register of gifts and travel contributions received by the Mayor, Elected Members, Chief Executive Officer and relevant employees. This register is now redundant but is required to remain publicly available.

View Register of Gifts and Travel to 18 October 2019